The world has been struggling with malnutrition recently, especially in underdeveloped countries. The burden of malnutrition can be undernutrition or even overweight. Nutrition implies studying nutrients found in food, how the body uses those nutrients, and the relationship between health, diet, and disease. Additionally, nutrition centers on how individuals can reduce the risks of getting diseases by using nutrients, what happens to people when they have little or too many nutrients, and how allergic reactions work. However, good nutrition enhances the growth and development of a child and increases their survival chances. Adequate food and nutrient intake is an entry to a healthy life and body. Also, eating the right food can help one’s body to fight and overcome several illnesses. Maintaining and selecting what we eat helps us to maintain our health. However, an unhealthy food intake may make the body’s immune system weak, thus making the body prone to diseases. However, we need to replace or recharge the nutrients in our bodies daily. Besides water, it holds a vital place when it comes to nutrients. Carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fats are essential for maintaining good health.
Moreover, a healthy diet needs a lot of natural foods. However, healthy and nutritious food consists of both fruits and vegetables. The top ten fruits that are more nutritious to the body of a human being include blueberries, oranges, bananas, apples, pineapples, mangoes, lemons, pomegranates, avocados, and grapefruits. However, the top ten vegetables that can help build and strengthen our health include spinach, tomatoes, kale, broccoli, green peas, carrots, onions, red cabbage, asparagus, and garlic.
Although fruits sometimes get taken without seriousness, they help build a healthy and robust body. Also, fruits offer a unique package of nutrients to the body. For example, blueberries are among the superfruits vital in building the body’s nutrients. Blueberries, like strawberries, can protect the body from cancer, heart disease, and stroke because they are potent antioxidants, thus containing anthocyanin. Additionally, intake of blueberries can help prevent the plague from collecting in one’s arteries, thus holding pterostilbene. Apart from protecting the body, blueberries also contain a percentage of several nutrients, including potassium, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin C; besides being sweet, oranges also provide vitamins and minerals to the body. For example, in providing Vitamin C, an antioxidant, oranges hold a significant percentage. In addition, they contain nutrients like calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and other nutrients.
Additionally, oranges help boost the body’s immune system by helping iron absorption of the body from plant foods. Oranges also contain pectin, which helps keep the colon healthy and helps remove cancer from the colon. Moreover, oranges also help in help in maintaining healthy eyesight and healthy skin. Bananas, on the other hand, are highly known for having potassium. Consequently, produced potassium helps the body of an individual to fight blood pressure and control the heart rate.
Additionally, bananas are a source of energy, containing calories and carbohydrates. Also, they help individuals with stomach issues, such as those with ulcers. Apples, on the other hand, eating apples help one to reduce weight and also boost heart health. Also, apples have pectin, which helps maintain the gut’s health. Additionally, apples have quercetin which contains flavonoid, an anticancer agent. Daily eating of apples can help individuals protect themselves from illnesses like diabetes and other heart diseases.
Furthermore, taking pineapples helps the body by promoting tissue growth and helps reduce inflammation. Apart from pineapples containing nutrients like calcium, potassium, and fiber, they contain magnesium, which helps the body build bone and tissue. However, pomegranate plays a super role in combating oxidative stress that can sometimes cause illness to the body. Similarly, the intake of pomegranate gives the body Vitamin K which helps the body build strong bones and vital blood cells. Also, they contain polyphenols that support and protect the body from diseases related to the brain.
Moreover, taking pomegranate reduces the growth of prostate cell cancer. However, lemons are primarily used in traditional medicine for their health benefits and are thus believed to be medicine. Lemons give vitamin C and antioxidants, which help in preventing the body from contracting diseases like cancer.
Additionally, lemons include antibacterial, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties, thus acting as protective agents. On the other hand, grapefruits help in protecting the body from illnesses like obesity, inflammation, and cancer diseases. Additionally, grapefruits contain a compound that helps build bones and protects the body against tumors. In addition, they produce nutrients like magnesium, calories, potassium, and vitamin C in the body. Moreover, mangoes fruits help build the body’s immunity, act as antioxidants, improve heart health, and assist in the digestive system; just like oranges, mangoes help in eyesight and maintain the skin’s health.
On the other hand, Avocado fruit has oleic acid, which helps lower cholesterol in the body, which will help reduce heart-related diseases and stroke. Avocados also play the same role as oranges and mangoes in helping in healthy eyesight and healthy skin. Intake of avocado releases nutrients like vitamin C, calories, fiber, and proteins to the body.
Besides fruits, vegetables also play vital roles in releasing nutrients to the body, thus maintaining a healthy body. Also, spinach provides the body with Vitamin A and K. Spinach also helps fight chronic diseases. Similarly, the intake of spinach helps maintain a healthy life, protecting the body from blood pressure. In addition, beta-carotene contained in carrots helps in preventing cancer. Intake of carrots reduces prostate cancer and lowers the risks of smokers getting lung cancer. Also, eating carrots releases nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K, which keep the body healthy.
Moreover, broccoli is a family of vegetables that provides the body with sulfur. Broccoli contains sulforaphane compound, which helps the body to fight cancer. Therefore, individuals get advised to eat broccoli since it allows them to battle other chronic diseases besides cancer. However, broccoli contains vitamins K and C, manganese, potassium, and folate. Also, garlic has been considered medicinal since the dawn of time. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine and is still used today. However, garlic has many health benefits, including regulating blood sugar and facilitating the heart’s health. Also, garlic increases insulin sensitivity and reduces the risks of getting cancer. Garlic can also be effective in regulating cholesterol in the blood. However, like any other green vegetable, kale is known for its nutrients and its content of antioxidants. Taking kale provides the body with nutrients like copper, calcium, and potassium. Additionally, kale produces nutrients rich in vitamins A, K, C, and B. Intake of kale regulates blood sugar and helps lower cholesterol in the blood.
On the other hand, taking green grams helps individuals regulate blood sugar since they contain carbs and calories. Also, green peas provide the body with nutrients rich in proteins, fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K. Asparagus, on the other hand, provides the body with vitamin K, riboflavin, and selenium. Also, taking asparagus produces folate, which can help the body to fight diseases.
Furthermore, eating raw red cabbage provides the body with vitamin C and fiber. Red cabbage vegetables also help prevent damage to the heart and liver. Like garlic, onions help prevent cancer and provide the body with vitamin C and B6, manganese, and calories. On the other hand, tomatoes are a vegetable family, which helps reduce the risks of age-related diseases; it also helps fight cancer and protects vision.
In conclusion, maintaining a healthy life by eating a balanced diet helps maintain a healthy body and enhances growth and development. However, eating fruits like avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, oranges, and apples helps lower the risks of getting diseases, makes one strong, keeps the body dehydrated, boosts the brain’s power, keeps one glowing, and provides the body with minerals and vitamins. Additionally, eating fruits and vegetables that are low in calories helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Further, vegetable intake lowers the risks of diseases like stroke and heart-related conditions, helps reduce cancer risks, and provides the body with fiber, potassium, and essential nutrients for good health. Therefore, maintaining a healthy life is by eating fruits and vegetables. A healthy life is one’s responsibility.